Mountain Empire Trout Unlimited President Eric J. Sacknoff, MD (L) receives Certificate of Appreciation from Project Healing Water Fly Fishing program leads Jim Christian (center) and George Owens (R) recognizing METU’s support for American veterans.


Mountain Empire Chapter Trout Unlimited (METU) is proud to partner with Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing (PHWFF) to help serve veterans.  PHWFF’s mission is “dedicated to the physical and emotional rehabilitation of disabled active military service personnel and disabled veterans through fly fishing and associated activities including education and outings.”

At a recent meeting, METU was recognized with a Certificate of Appreciation for financial and volunteer support. PHWFF Program Leads Jim Christian and George Owens presented a certificate that reads: “The Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing Southwest Virginia Program gratefully presents this award for the chapter’s most generous support which leads directly to the wellbeing and comfort of our program’s veterans.” 

METU President Eric J. Sacknoff, MD, expressed his appreciation to PHWFF.  “Our chapter appreciates the opportunity to participate in this effort to support our country’s veterans.  This special veterans program will benefit from METU’s fundraising efforts this year.”