Dr. Eric Hallerman - speaker at October meeting


Dr. Eric Hallerman, Professor, Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation, Virginia Tech,

spoke at our October meeting on the topic:  “Population Genetics of Southwest Virginia Brook Trout: The Basis for Restoration"

Dr. Eric Hallerman teaches courses in genetics and fisheries at Virginia Tech.  He maintains an active program of research on applied population genetics, which has included work with sportfishes such as brook trout, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, and walleye, and nongame species, such as darters, minnows, chubs, and freshwater mussels. His work with walleye led to genetic marker-assisted selection of native individuals for hatchery-based restoration of the native stock; he hopes that his work with brook trout leads to a similar outcome.  Dr. Hallerman is the author/editor of Population Genetics: Principles and Applications for Fisheries Scientists, published by the American Fisheries Society.